Formació Acadèmica

  • Acreditada com a Professora Contratada Doctora i Profesora d’ Universidad Privada. Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad Y Acreditación del profesorado (ANECA), 2020.
  • Acreditada com a Professora Ajudant Doctora. Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento desde 2017. Tramo de investigación (sexenio) concedido por ANECA en 2020 referente al período de 2014 a 2019.
  • Doctora en Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials. Universidad de Granada, 2017.

Trajectòria Laboral

Projectes d'Investigació

  • Adopció de noves tecnologies, comportament del consumidor, màrqueting i transformació digital.

Línies d'Investigació

Estades d'Investigació


  • DE LUNA, Iviane; FARHAT, K.; ASLAM, W. (2021) Yes, You Make Me Confused and Skeptic: Exploring Green Confusion and Green Advertisements Skepticism on Social Media.  Digital Marketing & eCommerce Conference. Springer, Cham. p. 313-329
  • DE LUNA, Iviane; ASLAM, W. (2021). The relationship between brand Facebook page characteristics, perceived value, and customer engagement behavior: An application of Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR). Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios. Vol. 23, p. 43-62.
  • DE LUNA, Iviane, et al.(2020). Analysis of a mobile payment scenario: Key issues and perspectives.  Impact of Mobile Services on Business Development and E-Commerce. IGI Global. p. 22-47.
  • DE LUNA, Iviane; SINGH, S; CASADO-ARANDA, L.A. (2020). Assessing the antecedents of user intention to use mobile payment services in the context of emerging markets.  Impact of Mobile Services on Business Development and E-Commerce. IGI Global. p. 144-163.
  • DE LUNA, Iviane, et al. (2019) Mobile payment is not all the same: The adoption of mobile payment systems depending on the technology applied. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 146, p. 931-944.
  • DE LUNA, Iviane; MONTORO-RÍOS, F.; LIÉBANA-CABANILLAS, F. (2018). New perspectives on payment systems: Near field communication (NFC) payments through mobile phones.  Mobile commerce: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. IGI Global. p. 1487-1507
  • DE LUNA, Iviane; LIÉBANA-CABANILLAS, F.; MONTORO-RÍOS, F. (2017). Intention to use new mobile payment systems: a comparative analysis of SMS and NFC payments. Economic research-Ekonomska istraivanja. Vol. 30, no 1, p. 892-910.
  • DE LUNA, Iviane, et al. (2017). NFC technology acceptance for mobile payments: A Brazilian Perspective. Revista brasileira de gestão de negócios., Vol. 19, p. 82-103.
  • DE LUNA, Iviane; MONTORO-RÍOS, F; LIÉBANA-CABANILLAS, F. (2016). Determinants of the intention to use NFC technology as a payment system: an acceptance model approach. Information Systems and e-business Management. Vol. 14, no 2, p. 293-314
  • DE LUNA, Iviane; LIÉBANA-CABANILLAS, F.; MONTORO-RÍOS, F J.(2015). User behaviour in QR mobile payment system: the QR Payment Acceptance Model. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol. 27, no 9, p. 1031-1049
  • DE LUNA, Iviane, et al. (2015) Nuevas perspectivas sobre el comportamiento del consumidor para la adopción del pago móvil sin contacto. Desenvolve Revista de Gestão do Unilasalle. Vol. 4, no 1, p. 65-86

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