Erasmus + Incoming


Welcome to University School of Public Relations, affiliated center of University of Barcelona.

We offer a Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing adapted to the European Higher Education Area.

Our Study Programme follows the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which facilitates the student mobility and credit validation among degrees.

Our academic year is divided into two semesters. The first semester goes from September to January and the second one is from February until June. In a full dedication kind of enrolment, a semester is thought for a student to do 30 ECTS.


History of University School of Public Relations

The University School of Public Relations was the first university in Europe to specialize in this subject. Its main purpose is the education and training of professionals in the fields of public relations, advertising and marketing.

Our main objective is to provide students with the necessary theoretical, technical and practical education and training to equip them to work in all public relations, advertising and marketing related activities in organizations of all types and in the corresponding specialized sectors.

The School is owned by the European University Foundation of Public Relations (FUERP).

It was officially recognized by the Ministry Order the 28th of July in 1969 (See BOE 26.08.69).

Application procedure

General information

  • University Code: E BARCELO01
  • All course materials are only available in Spanish. Classes poden estar ateses en català o espanyol d'acord amb el llenguatge polític de la Universitat de Barcelona .
  • Tenen només aplicacions per al Second Semester (February to June).

Procedures and Documentation

General information

  • University Code: E BARCELO01
  • All course materials are only available in Spanish. Classes can be taught in Catalan or Spanish according to the language policy of the University of Barcelona.
  • We only take applications for the Second Semester (February to June).

Procedures and Documentation


• to be enrolled in universities or higher education institutions which have a bilateral agreement with Escola Superior de Relacions Públiques (ESRP).• to be able to certificate a B2 accreditation in the Spanish language, in case it is not a mother tongue. Check here the recognized certificates (corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

• according to the University of Barcelona’s regulations, all students who will study temporarily in this university must have a medical, accidents and repatriation insurance which will cover the complete stay in the UB.

DEADLINE: November 15th.


1. Fill in the APPLICATION FORM.
2. Send an email to with the following documents:

• APPLICATION FORM duly completed and signed by the student and the academic responsible of the sending institution.
• TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS: list of subjects the student has studied at the home university and the grades awarded.
• LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE: B2 accreditation in the Spanish language, in case it is not a mother tongue.
• PHOTO (passport-sized).
• Photocopy on both sides of the PASSPORT or ID (Identity Document).
• INSURANCE: document that certificates the medical, accident and repatriation insurance.


• to be enrolled in foreign universities or higher education institutions for official university degrees similar to those offered by the UB for which enrolment is being sought, and where such studies have yet to be completed.

• to have successfully completed a full academic year or obtained a minimum of sixty teaching credits in subjects related to the exchange, except for second-cycle or official postgraduate students.

• to be authorized by their sending university to complete part of their studies at the UB.

• to be able to certificate a B2 accreditation in the Spanish language, in case it is not a mother tongue. Check here the recognized certificates (corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

• according to the University of Barcelona’s regulations, all students who will study temporarily in this university must have a medical, accidents and repatriation insurance which will cover the complete stay in the UB.

DEADLINE: November 15th.


1. Fill in the APPLICATION FORM.
2. Send an email to with the following documents:
* It must be sent the original document, and it must be accompanied by a translation in either Catalan, Spanish or English (note that it does not have to be translated by a sworn translator).

• APPLICATION FORM duly completed and signed by the student and the academic responsible of the sending institution.
• TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS*: list of subjects the student has studied at the home university and the grades awarded.
• CURRICULAR ITINERARY* of the degree at the home university.
• LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE: B2 accreditation in the Spanish language.
• A LETTER where the academic responsible of the home university Presentation letter signed by the academic responsible of the home university.
• PHOTO (passport-sized).
• PASSPORT or ID (IDENTITY DOCUMENT): Photocopy on both sides.
• INSURANCE: document that certificates the medical, accident and repatriation insurance.
• FINANCE: In case an organisation or institution will finance the student’s enrolment, the corresponding documentation must be sent.

Subjects for ERASMUS+ and INDIVIDUAL APPLICATION incoming students

ESRP reserves the right to modify the subjects offered according to the development of the Program and the number of students registered. The International Relations Office will inform of any changes sufficiently in advance.

Incoming students must enroll a minimum of 18 ECTS and can choose up to a maximum of 60 ECTS (Artículo 8 de la Normativa Académica y Económica de Matrícula de la Universidad de Barcelona).

* Please notice that:

1“Mandatory” refers to the type of subject and it does not imply that these subjects are compulsory for you.

2Optional subjects can be programmed either in the Fall or the Spring term depending on the academic year.

366107 Sociologia 2 6 ECTS each Basic Education
366109 Principis de Màrqueting 2
366110 Dret 2
366111 Economia 2
366112 Ètica 2
366114 Estratègies Publicitàries 2 6 ECTS each Mandatory* 1
366118 Estratègies de relacions públiques 2
366123 Recerca Social i Comercial 2
366124 Màrqueting Estratègic 2
366127 Taller d’ Expressió Audiovisual 2
366133 Empresa Publicitària 6 ECTS each Optional* 2
366132 Publicitat Digital
366134 Producció i Realització Publicitària
366136 Relacions Públiques Digitals
366137 Comunicació de Crisi
366138 Seminari de Formació de Portaveus
366141 Gestió Comercial
366142 Retail Màrqueting
366140 E-Commerce
366146 Taller de Recursos TIC Especialitzats
366147 Taller de Creació d´Empreses


Description: Training activities that are integrated into the teaching curricular itinerary and that the student can choose from a wide range of offers presented by the School: consult the offer here.
They can be semester or intensive.
Credits: 2 ECTS each.
Methodology: it is eminently practical and is organized in small groups.
Attendance: mandatory. Unlike subjects and electives, these modules require class attendance.


Barcelona is located in Catalonia. There are two official languages in this region: Catalan and Spanish. That is why most of the information and content in television and newspapers is in Catalan. Therefore, it can be useful for you to learn a little Catalan during or before your stay. Moreover, it will make your international mobility experience much more interesting.

Even though Catalan is often used in Barcelona, with some notions of Spanish you can understand part of it.

If you are interested in learning some Catalan, the University of Barcelona and other institutions offer some courses you might want to consider. You can find some at the Linguistic Service of the University of Barcelona. You can as well find some online courses at or Intercat.

If you are willing to learn Spanish, you should know that the Hispanic Studies Institute of the University of Barcelona offers courses aimed at Erasmus students: Spanish as a Foreign Language.

  • Accommodation

    The University of Barcelona has some agreements with multiple organizations that help foreign students to find a place to live.

    For instance, it has a settlement with the BCU (Barcelona University Centre). It is an organization whose aim is to help foreign university students with all non-academic aspects of life such as finding the most suitable accommodation according to their needs.

    Moreover, the University of Barcelona itself provides a number of services for temporary-stay students, such as sports facilities or housing.

    If none of those options fits you, you can search a place to live through an online marketplace for booking student accommodation called Uniplaces.

Medical, accidents and repatriation insurance

According to the University of Barcelona’s regulations, all students who will study temporarily in this university must have a medical, accidents and repatriation insurance which will cover the complete stay in the UB.

You will find more information about the characteristics of this insurance in this link.

We recommend that you read this Safety Tips in order to prevent accidents.

Useful websites of Barcelona

These are useful websites which provide a lot of information about the city of Barcelona such as its history, things to do, places to visit, places to eat, cultural activities, the use of the public transport, etc.

TMB Transport
Living in Barcelona
Barcelona Tourism
Plan your trip
ESN Barcelona UB  (students association)

Contact us

+34 93 321 54 62

Carrer Sepúlveda, 50. 08015 Barcelona

Office Hours

Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:30pm.

July: from 9am to 5pm.
Easter, August and Christmas: closed.